Saturday, May 1, 2010

In Plain Sight 3x05 Review

     Sorry about last week. It was another great episode with the fantastic Steven Weber and Stan had a great storyline, but I didn’t have time to write it.
     And this is late because I’m moving back home for the summer, so I’m writing this after hours of packing.
     Enough with my excuses for everything. Here’s this week’s review for Episode 5:  Fish Cut or Betta.

     The episode starts out and you see someone making a pipe bomb. Then you see a woman named Naomi turning off an alarm and Mary quickly tries to save her from being blown up by said bomb.

     We then go back three months and find out this man we saw is Dominic. He is testifying against his uncle, who was in the mafia. When Mary and Marshall ask what job Dom wanted now that he couldn’t kill people anymore, he comes up with a surprising answer, “I’ve always wanted to work with fish.”
     Doesn’t seem so tough now, does he? But Dom has an interesting dilemma. He has never had a girlfriend, and the only time he has had sex was by paying for it. So, this episode focuses on Dom getting relationship advice from Mary, of all people, and then see how it inevitably goes horribly wrong.
     For an example of how Mary isn’t the best role model, Dom wanted to bring his date, Naomi (the same woman who will later trigger that bomb), to a nice restaurant but the wait was 2 hours without a reservation. Dom wanted to literally kill the host, so Mary intervened. Instead of telling Dom to wait his turn at the restaurant or go find a new one, she tells him to bribe the host with a $20 instead.

Giving advice at the Bar&Grill

     While at the bar and grill with Dom, Mary spots Raphael with another woman. OUCH! We had seen him earlier in the episode getting boxes of his stuff from her house. It was a very sad scene that ended with Mary crying in the car. Made me want to cry too! So here he is with a younger woman, and in my opinion, she's slutty; but maybe I'm biased. Mary sticks around to spy on him and has him come over later to ask about it. Instead of a fight, they kiss and then end up sleeping together. It seems like this is going to be a very bipolar relationship with the two. They both still love each other but they won't get back together. This could become annoying quite easily so the writers better tread carefully.
     On a side note, did you catch the red mark from her exit wound? I LOVE the continuity in this show. I wish more shows would do that. (Psych did not have a scar on Shawn's shoulder in that decontamination shower scene. Lets hope its just because we wouldn't see it at that angle, yes?)

     Back to Dom, it turns out Naomi is back with her ex and doesn't want to be with Dom which puts him over the edge. And its at this point we're back to the opening scene. Dom has decided to blow up Naomi's store with her in it. Mary runs (literally) to save Naomi. She gets there in time to get Naomi out, but they get blown over the hood of a car while escaping. Awesome! Neither of them were hurt except for some cuts. In the end, the Marshals end up in Houston and find Dom waiting for his cousin to give him a fake ID so he can leave the country. Case solved.

Action shot. BOOM!

     Its also worth mentioning that Stan once again proves that he can be bad-ass. It still surprises me because he can look so...unassuming? I don't even know the word. We were introduced to a woman named Theresa who will be handling finances. Right off the bat she said how she did not work for Mary and Marshall. Later, she ordered them to stop their search for Dom who had disappeared. Stan was very quick to put Theresa in her place since, after all, she was not the boss of them because she did not work for any of them. It was awesome.
     There's also a mention of Brandi. She hasn’t contacted anyone and according to Mary,  Peter’s a lost puppy and her and her mom are both concerned. I wonder when she will be back or at least mentioned.

Now for Quotes/funny moments:
Mary to Dom about being dumped: I've been through it. Marshall's been through it….a lot! 

Mary "Gibbs-Smacks" Marshall after he shares more of his minutia.

Mary to Marshall: With what I'm going to do it'll probably get me fired. And if you get fired too I’ll have no one to move in with and mooch off of!

Stan: Take all the time you want and all the money you need and bag this son-of-a bitch.

After playing with her Betta fish, Mary calls Marshall and says: "I'm starving....sushi?"

There you go! Did I miss anything? What did you think of last week's episode? Leave a comment!


1 comment:

  1. You failed to mention the most important part - Marshall is still doing origami! Last week Mary said he had to stop it or he'd never get laid again (WHAT? SHE THINKS NEAL CAFFREY DOESN'T GET LAID????), but this week she came around to agreeing that, as opposed to kirigami, origami is the sexy one. As a folder myself, and a fan of Marshall, I'm glad she came around!

    Also - a little off-topic, but in Justified this week Raylan's boss Art suggested taking Ava into WITSEC. I think it would be wonderful if they came to Albuquerque and worked with Mary and Marshall - Raylan would like them, I'm sure. FX/USA crossover FTW!
