Friday, June 25, 2010

White Collar Filming=An Amazing Experience

On Wednesday, I went with my best friend into New York City. We went because we had wanted to go on the Intrepid (carrier ship) for a while now so we did that and then wandered around for the rest of the day. As we were driving in the taxi over to the area by Radio City Music Hall and the NBC Store, we stopped at a light and to our right was some filming going on. I then said "Oh my GOD! That's Willie Garson!!"

Our first view: Willie in his chair

We had the taxi driver drop us off at the next block and quickly made our way back to watch White Collar film some scenes for their 5th episode. And so you know now, I didn't hear any dialogue and there didn't appear to be any spoilers. Unless you consider Peter handing Neal a pen a spoiler...

So my friend and I assessed the situation, worked up the courage to cross the street...and then we stood there looking like idiots. Yes, we've met James Roday, but that was after seeing him in a play and we were in a group of seven. This was just the two of us, off the streets, and we didn't want to intrude. But someone asked what we wanted so we spoke up to Willie. We said we loved White Collar and were wondering if we could get a picture. Man was he nice! He asked our names and where we were from. We're from a small town in New Jersey but he knew where it was! Turns out he's a Jersey boy and his family still lives there. He asked if we were going to the shore this summer and where we usually go. Since I moved away a few years ago, I had forgotten the name of the beach my family used to visit so I just went with what my friend said. He then talked about his favorite place to go (Barnegat Light on Long Beach Island) and talked with us a little bit more. We thanked him profusely and then went across the street again to watch without being in the way.

We watched a scene between Neal and Mozzie be filmed for around half an hour. I took lots of pictures and videos.

Matt and Willie rehearsing the scene.

Matt discussing the scene. The woman in white is the director.
Jacket on meant they were filming. It was 90 degrees, after all.

Once we knew they were done filming, we went back over in hopes of meeting Matt. He was walking back towards their chairs and when he got there again, we just stared. Eventually I said "Matt?" and my friend said "We're big fans!" He came over, asked our names, and shook our hands. Now, to be honest, we were hoping we'd see White Collar film. My friend has the TV Guide with him on the cover so we brought it just in case. I didn't have a TV Guide or any pictures of him so I just stuck with some sheets of computer paper. We had him sign stuff and asked for a picture. He was very nice and just as handsome in person as on TV and in photographs. Seriously, the man is a God or something. I was a bit too starstruck to say much. I wanted to tell him how I watched him in Tru Calling and Chuck and that I started to watch White Collar because I liked him as Bryce so much. But alas, none of that came out. I did manage to tell him that while we were watching across the street I had informed around 20 people what was being filmed and when Season 2 premiered. Free advertising! ;) But once we took the picture and thanked him, we left and headed towards the NBC Store since I wanted a Chuck shirt and my friend wanted a Psych shirt.
My autograph from Matt.
After we did some shopping, my friend wanted to go to FAO Schwarz since she had never been there before. I suggested going the long way and passing the set again to see if they were still filming. They were. This time, it was a scene with Tim DeKay and Matt Bomer. They were still in the process of moving all the equipment from one side of the block to the other.
 Tim talking with friends while waiting for the set to be moved.
Relaxing by their chairs while the crew sets up the camera.
I was never able to find a good time to approach Tim since, again, I was trying not to intrude too much. But my friend and I watched from the setup to rehearsal to filming. I really liked watching the extras get direction. When watching, notice that people holding bags don't have labels on the bags. No product placement allowed, I suppose. My camera died before they started shooting so I don't have any pictures of them filming but I do have video.
Wednesday was an incredible day. I literally skipped down the street after meeting Matt because I was so happy. I hope one day I can go into the city and see something else film. It was fun! 
What I posted here was mostly my story with a few pictures. However, I have 42 pictures posted on my Photobucket. So go over there to see what I have. At one point I was like paparazzi: taking lots of pictures without checking for quality. Thats why some are blurry or have people in the way. Save them if you want, use them, whatever you'd like. Just credit me, please. :)

Once I get all of my video clips organized into a video, I'll be posting it to YouTube. Keep an eye out for a link on Twitter or Facebook, or subscribe to my channel if you're so inclined.

Also, since I told around 50 people that day what White Collar was and when it was premiering, I'll remind you too. White Collar's second season premiere's on Tuesday, July 13 at 9/8C and is followed by the series premiere of Covert Affairs at 10/9. Make sure to watch!


  1. So awesome! I loved this. Great blog. Felt like I was right there with you!

  2. oh, I wish that was me! Meeting Matt & Willie in one day (and "seeing" Tim). I'd be skipping with a silly grin on my face :). thanks for sharing.

  3. I went to your photobucket account and saw your pictures and wonder if you need a fancy camera to get those shot because they came out pretty good. What camera did you use? Thanks

  4. Thanks for commenting! :)
    I have a Lumix. it has 10 mega pixels so thats why the quality is so good. i'm not a photo-buff tho so its just a normal digital camera, nothing too fancy. Sure looks good tho! :)
